Ardent Adoration Preserved Roses Bouquet
Ardent Adoration Preserved Roses Bouquet
Preserved flowers in shades of red in a bouquet to show your eternal love? Yes please!
This combination of passionate red, mauve and delicate pink is bound to impress and brings a red roses bouquet to a level just because they will last for up to two years! Paired with rustic fillers and eucalyptus, this bouquet is made to look like fresh bouquets but made to last for a long time!
Perfect as a home office decor - even more so as a gift to always remind your loved one of your eternal love and affection! Let the recipient know your love is here to stay. This bouquet is made with preserved roses and thus totally fuss free - no need to water them or cut their stems and they will last for years!
Available in jar/vase and as a petite bridal bouquet too. Bridal bouquet will be one sided and ribboned with satin ribbons.
Just remember to keep them away from harsh sunlight and keep them really dry!
3 stalks: measures approx 20cm wide and 25cm tall
Pictured: 6 stalks of roses with fillers, measures approx 28cm wide and 25cm tall
9 stalks: measures approx 35cm wide and 30cm tall
12 stalks: measures approx 40cm wide and 35cm tall
18 stalks: measures approx 50cm wide and 40cm tall